Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

La Befana

Nate's kindergarten class did a social studies unit on various countries and their customs.  One of the countries that he "visited" was Italy and the custom he learned about was La Befana, The Christmas Witch.  La Befana visits children on Epiphany and brings them a small gift.  I thought it might be neat for Nate is La Befana paid him a visit.  La Befana was nice enough to comply, when Nate was in school.  This was what she left him.

I wonder if she will visit us next year too?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Salt Dough Ornaments

Nate and I had some more fun with salt dough the other day.  I made two batches and Nate spent 2 plus hours using our Star Wars and Avengers cookie cutters to make ornaments.  I put the holes in them and baked them.  When they were cool Nate painted them and now they are on our big tree and the little tree in his room.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nate and Nana

SS Fisher

So, if you don't know, Home Depot has free kids workshops on the first Saturday of every month.  You sign up in their website and then go to your local store and you kid can build whatever the project is that month for free.  We took Nate in August and he made a pick up truck.  This month is was a boat, so we decided that this was the prefect project for Pop to help out with.

Pop and Nate hammered and painted and in the end, the SS Fisher** was born.

**When we sat down Nate realized that the kid next to him was in his class at school.  They said hi and then Nate introduced his friend to Pop.  He said, "This is my pop.  He's a fisher [man]."

Friday, October 18, 2013

Watch and Learn

Yesterday while playing with Legos, I picked up a couple of bricks and was trying to put them together as the picture instructed me to do.  Apparently I looked like I was having a hard time with this task as Nate took the Legos from my hand and said "Mommy, you don't do Legos as much as I do... watch and learn."

Woah boy are we in trouble!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Note for Daddy

Nate wrote this on his own.  I helped him with the spelling of the words, but he did all the writing.  This is a huge leap forward for the little boy who refused to do any writing over the summer!

"Like we did a dinosaur puzzle and a city puzzle."

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The First Day of Kindergarten

Killing time before kindergarten orientation.

Getting ready to walk to school.